Thursday 25 November 2010


  •    In today’s lesson we are going to go over our filming schedule for tomorrow. We will go over what we are going to do tomorrow and roles we will be assigned to.
  •       In this lesson Chris will be filling out risk assessment forms.
  •       This lesson Sophie is writing a letter to the owners of the locations, asking if we can use their land to film.
  •       George this lesson is doing a location mood board.
  •       In this lesson I will complete my individual work.

·         In today’s lesson we are going to upload our footage onto the computer.
·         We might also edit the footage if we have time.
·         We have also created a group folder on Mac,
·         Also discuss filming schedule
·         This week Thursday/Friday we will finish sequence.
·         We will film cid and Alexi’s scene.
·         Filming on Friday 10-1 in Horsell
  • learn how to use final cut express and decide on filming days
  • Need to learn this so we can edit our footage filmed and to make it look professional.
  • Decide what days us and actors are going to be free to film
  • Learn how to use final cut then start editing the film.

  • Planning for next meeting
    Next lesson we are going to upload any more footage we will film during the day also make sure risk assessments are complete.
    Create a contingency plan.

·         In today’s lesson we are going to discuss what happened during filming and what went wrong.
·         Need to discuss when we are filming
·         We have decided to film every lunch time and during some media lessons
·         We discussed how we are all slacking and how during three weeks we have only filmed one scene.
·         We only have three weeks of college left to FILM!!
·         Need to make time to film
  • figured uot filmnig every lunch 1-2
  • and frees
  • we will use some of us in the film as actors are not reliable
  • in todays lesson we have discussed filming tomorrow
  • filled out risk assessment forms, health and safety forms and booking forms
  • all prepared for filmnig
  • filming from 12-3
  • shooting ender and fears scene
  • cutting down the cript as theres not enough time
  • might change filmnig plan because not everyone is pulling there weight

  •        I have decided I think because of the weather we should film inside,        
  •   I think Chris should edit the script a bit and instead of having the conversation with fear outside it would be inside,
  • we could use the sports hall as it looks like an abandoned location.
  • And this could be useful as the weather has said it will snow for 7-10 days              
  • In today’s lesson due to the snow and the lack of members I have chosen to carry on with individual work.         
  •  We only have two weeks to finish filming so we should start filming on Monday from 12-2

  •           We have decided we will today change the script,
  •       We have decided to change it as we only have a week to finish a rough cut of the film.
  •    We are now going to go over our new filming schedule
  •        Do individual
  •        20 minutes to the end go over  what’s happening with the filming situation
·         In today’s lesson we are all working on editing
·         And uploading footage
·         We are in the process of finishing our film
·         We are going to film today at lunch time
·         And plan to film on Monday,
·         We are planning to finish filming by Monday 
  • later on today i found out that we could not film today due to the snow so chris has decided to film on the weekend as he is free and only has his scene to finish
  • therefore on monday we plan the filming to be finished uploaded and on a disc, we then plan to have everything in the group folder ready to be handed in.

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