Wednesday 10 November 2010


Script draft for Episode 2 of TV programme
(Episode 1 is called tabula rasa)

EPISODE 2 “EraceD”
Scene 1 – FEAR’S Dream
Fade in to long shot of FEAR standing in the middle of a woodland area. His head is looking down.
He slowly lifts head up and once head is fully up, upper body looks around left then around right.
Twig snaps, FEAR quickly jolts head forward toward screen.
Camera shows close up of a side shot of feet walking at feet level.
Camera cuts to medium shot of FEAR.
Cut to medium shot of a side shot of the waist down, person in brown hood walking.
Camera cuts to medium close up on FEAR.  FEAR is showing an angry face, almost as if he recognises person approaching.
Camera cuts to medium shot (front view) of waist down person walking to screen then stops. Camera slowly pans upward to show top half.
Camera cuts to long shot of FEAR then quickly zooms in on face.
Camera cuts to long shot of HOODED PERSON then quickly zooms in on face.
Camera cuts to close up of FEAR’S hand clenching but from behind.
Camera cuts to close up of HOODED PERSON’s hand clenching but from behind.
Camera cuts to long side shot of FEAR running
Camera cuts to long side of HOODED PERSON running.
Camera cuts to medium shot of FEAR from side view waist up
Camera cuts to medium shot of HOODED PERSON from side view waist up
Camera cuts to long shot of FEAR and HOODED PERSON coming together. Start fighting, HOODED PERSON swings first. FIGHT SEQUENCE commences **
Camera cuts to low shot of HOODED PERSON on floor
Camera cuts to medium shot looking up (POV of HOODED PERSON) at FEAR, FEAR leans down to uncover hood
Camera cuts to close up of HOODED PERSON, shows face
Camera cuts to close up of fear screaming at camera, sweating
Camera cuts to medium shot (from side) of FEAR sitting up, he puts hands on his face and sighs a relief as if he’s had a bad dream. He then looks over.
Camera cuts to over the shoulder shot of everyone else asleep
Camera cuts back to medium shot of FEAR, who then lies back down
Camera cuts to FEAR lying down and then fade to black
Scene 2 – Breakfast
Fade into sequence in which camera shows long shot of everyone having breakfast. All the characters are sitting in a straight line. Camera cuts to close-ups of each character. ENDER and JORGE are sitting together chatting, CID, ALEXIS and DIZZY are sitting across each other eating whilst FEAR is sitting on the “outskirts” minding his own business.
CID finishes food and slowly moves his hand toward a bag but DIZZY moves bag away and slightly coughs. ALEXIS is still eating her food
CID – “aw common DIZZY, jus one more piece of food, I’m still hungry”

DIZZY – “you’re so greedy, do u realise that. You’re a greedy little shit”

ALEXIS chuckles, CID turns to ALEXIS who quickly looks away and carries on eating food
DIZZY - “that’s all you do, I swear to god all you boys do it, all you do is eat and eat and eat. You’re all like chipmunks taking sugar pills”
CID – “you think boys are chipmunks? (confused) You think I’m cute? (attempts a smile)
DIZZY looks at CID and whilst opening her mouth points finger in her mouth indicating feeling sick, she then looks down and continues coughing. CID looks at ALEXIS who just looks at him and shakes her head. CID makes a silent indicating as to wondering what he’s done and camera moves away to JORGE and ENDER rummaging through some bags.
JORGE – (looks in bag and pulls out ring) “Here’s your ring”
ENDER – (takes ring) thanks…(looks at ring then puts it in his pocket) where did you find it?”
JORGE and ENDER start clearing up bags
JORGE – “I found it in your bag”
ENDER – “it can’t have been in my bag I checked my bag”
JORGE – “well you clearly missed it, cos I found it sitting there in your bag”
ENDER – “ok, alright…”
JORGE turns and faces ENDER whilst ENDER looks down at his pocket where he placed the ring
JORGE – “is that the ring?”
ENDER – (distant)”….yeh…”
JORGE – “do u think about…”
ENDER – (interrupts JORGE before she can say anything) “Everytime JORGE, every time…”
JORGE and ENDER finish clearing bags and sit down, JORGE appears to be on edge and looks around. This continues for a couple of mins before ENDER turns to face her and notices her “on edge”
ENDER – “….why are you on edge”?
JORGE – “well, cos we gota start movin soon”
ENDER – “ok…”
JORGE turns round and sees CID trying to talk to DIZZY
JORGE - “what the hell is he doing?”
Camera moves to Over the shoulder shot of Ender looking at CID
ENDER – “I think he wants to talk to her”
Camera cuts to long shot of JORGE and ENDER
JORGE turns round with sarcastic look
ENDER – “that was a joke, and anyway why are you bothered?
JORGE – “I duno, its jus CID trying to get a girlfriend, its almost like fire trying to get with water, not really a good mixture. Know what I mean”
ENDER – “what?”
JORGE – “Don’t worry”
ENDER and JORGE both look down, awkward silence
Camera zooms to medium shot
Camera cuts to medium close up of side view of ENDER and this technique is repeated on JORGE but other side
JORGE - “so what do you remember?”
ENDER – “about what?”
JORGE – “about before, about what happened before this…yno”
ENDER - “Well…….nothing much really”
JORGE – “oh…
Camera cuts to close up of JORGE’s face from side view
JORGE - “well fine then suit yourself”
Camera follows her up as she gets up then goes down to ENDER
ENDER – “Ok….(hesitates then looks confused) wait, what?”
Camera cuts to long shot of ENDER and JORGE
JORGE – “What?”
ENDER – “why did you say ‘suit yourself’?
JORGE – (looks at ENDER, then looks down) “do you realise, you’re being such a woman”
ENDER – “what the hell?”
Camera cuts to opposite side to which we see JORGE bending forward over bags and ENDER standing watching
JORGE – “seriously, you’re like one of the girls from……..ummm (looks up as if indicating thinking, snaps fingers), shit (looks down) the show from channel 4…..ummm (looks up again) Hollybranch or something like that” (gets up and starts packing bag)
ENDER – “what do you mean?” (gets up)
JORGE – “Have you ever seen Hollybranch?” (whilst packing bag)
ENDER – “no……do you mean Hollyoaks?”
JORGE – “no…It’s called Hollybranch or somthin…..anyway the girls on that show are doing exactly what your doing”
ENDER – “What, just standing around?”
JORGE – “no, you’re missing the point (stops and turns around and says following phrase as fast as they can) basically, the girls look like idiots anyway and they’re trying to hide their feelings from their friends and that’s exactly what your doing.”
ENDER – “so you think I’m a girl from Hollyoaks?”
JORGE – (looks at ENDER, then turns round and finishes packing) “ENDER…sometimes I just think you are a woman”
ENDER – “says she who looks like the ginger kid from This is England”
JORGE looks at ENDER and mimes ‘what the hell’ before pulling 2 fingers behind his back
Camera pans back to ALEXIS and CID who are having a conversation whilst DIZZY is packing
CID – “so what’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
ALEXIS – “well, you look like one of them 70’s rock stars”
DIZZY – “a prick more like it”
CID looks at DIZZY who just coughs
CID – “well…I think it looks kinda cool, matches what I do”
DIZZY – “what? Pluck strings, that’s useful”
ALEXIS – “well, it is kinda cool”
Camera moves back to show long shot of everyone getting their things
ENDER – “alright everyone, lets go….JORGE, can u pick up those extra bags thanks”
(ENDER and everyone start walking off)
JORGE – “why me? (murmurs to herself) every bloody time…oh JORGE can you carry the bags, why don’t you try carrying the bags you prick”
Shot fades into next scene

Scene 3 – The continuing Travel
Camera shot shows long shot of group walking
Camera cuts to foot level shot of characters walking past camera in a diagonal position
Camera cuts to front view of group who walk past camera
Camera cuts to behind shot of ENDER and JORGE holding map and pointing directions, they then turn and mime “lets go”
Camera cuts to DIZZY, CID and ALEXIS sitting down, they are all over-exaggerating that they are tired
Camera cuts back to ENDER and JORGE to which JORGE makes a fist sign
Camera cuts to DIZZY, CID AND ALEXIS reacting in a sarcastic frightened way, then stand up. ALEXIS walks past camera and CID helps DIZZY stand up, as DIZZY coughs she pushes CID away to which DIZZY walks past camera. CID with a concerned face picks up his bag and follows
Shot fades into next scene
Scene 4 – The Plan
Camera cuts to long shot of group sitting down having a break, DIZZY is sitting with ALEXIS chatting but every now and again DIZZY is coughing, CID is also with them however he is more observing DIZZY, he is showing concern through his face.  JORGE and ENDER are sitting together chatting. ENDER then suddenly gets up and walks toward camera, everyone looks up.
Camera cuts to low angle looking up at ENDER
ENDER – “Alright, here’s the plan. We’re gonna head due East, maybe have a break now and again and hopefully, by nightfall, we should make shelter at this place” (brings up map and points)
JORGE – “wait…(pulls map down from ENDER) I thought we were gonna go here (points at another section of map)
Camera cuts to long angle shot of the camera looking down on the others who are simply watching ENDER and JORGE
Camera cuts to ENDER and JORGE coming together and turning their backs on the camera, quietly discussing
Camera cuts again back to group who are just watching, all looking bored
Camera cuts back to ENDER and JORGE who are still arguing
Camera cuts to group to which CID gets up and camera follows him up
CID – “guys!”
Camera cuts to ENDER and JORGE who turn around
Camera cuts back to medium shot of CID with everyone else in the background
CID – “I don’t think we should go to the shelter”
Camera cuts to ENDER and JORGE whom now move into the same “cut” as CID with him on one side and ENDER on the other whilst the group are in-between.
ENDER – “you don’t want to go to the shelter?”
CID – “no”
ENDER – “no? And why? Please, pray-tell”
Camera cuts to medium close up of CID, he looks embarrassed and camera cuts to medium close up of each of the characters before finishing on CID
CID – “Because…..
Camera cuts back to the side shot of ENDER and CID
Camera cuts to close up of ENDER then switches to close-up of CID. CID turns to face DIZZY. Camera cuts to medium shot of DIZZY and ALEXIS to which they look confused.
Camera cuts to close up of CID’s face
CID – “because (looks up at ENDER then the floor) I’m worried about…..”
Camera cuts to close up of ENDER
ENDER – “go on…”
Camera cuts back to side shot of CID and ENDER
CID – “I’m worried about DIZZY”
Camera zooms in to a medium shot of DIZZY who looks puzzled and embarrassed
DIZZY – (looks left, then right then looks up at CID and then to ENDER) “I’m fine” coughs really badly
Camera cuts back to side view of CID and ENDER
CID – “see what I mean (points at DIZZY) she can’t go on much further. We should go to the nearest first aid supply area first, and then go to the shelter”
ENDER – “by the time we get to the aid supply it will be dark. We need to get to the shelter first, then tomorrow morning we’ll continue going and we’ll see if we can find some aid supplies”
Camera cuts to medium shot of CID
CID – “she won’t make it”
Camera cuts to medium shot of DIZZY
DIZZY – “I’ll be fine” (coughs)
Camera cuts to medium shot of CID
Camera cuts to medium shot of ENDER
ENDER – “see”
Camera cuts to CID, CID looks down in embarrassment
Camera cuts back to ENDER
ENDER - “look, trust me” ENDER turns to DIZZY
Camera cuts to medium shot of DIZZY
Camera cuts to low angle shot looking up at ENDER
ENDER - “look, as my old man once said to me ‘why do we fall?
Camera cuts to DIZZY
ENDER – “So we can learn to pick ourselves up”
Camera cuts to high angle shot looking down at DIZZY (possibly heavenly music plays) DIZZY is confused but gives a little smirk
CID – (in the background) “wait”
Camera moves to CID
“I swear that’s in a movie or somthin”
Camera cuts to medium shot of ENDER
ENDER – “nope….don’t think so”
Camera cuts back to CID
CID – “I’m pretty sure that’s like a quote from a film or somthin”
Camera cuts to ENDER
ENDER – “nope, anyway don’t worry ‘bout it”
Camera cuts back to CID
CID – “ok….”
Camera cuts to long shot of everyone getting up
Camera cuts to medium shot of DIZZY walking past CID, she hits him on his shoulder with her shoulder
DIZZY – (murmurs) “idiot”
Camera stays with CID who looks on, he then looks down and follows past camera
Shot fades into next scene

Scene 5 – CID comes clean
Long shot of group walking
Camera cuts to medium close up of each character finishing on ALEXIS and CID who is trailing slowly at the back
Camera cuts to behind shot of group walking, ALEXIS walks then turns and notices CID isn’t behind her
Camera cuts to long shot of CID standing still and looking down
Camera cuts back to ALEXIS but at medium shot. She grins and walks past camera
Camera cuts to long shot of CID and ALEXIS walking towards him
Camera cuts to medium shot of ALEXIS approaching CID
ALEXIS – “hey…what’s up?”
Camera cuts to side shot of ALEXIS and CID both facing diagonally toward camera
CID – “nothing…” (looks up at ALEXIS then looks down)
ALEXIS – “common…give”
Camera cuts to medium shot of CID
CID looking down and almost ashamed
Camera cuts to side shot of ALEXIS and CID
ALEXIS – “its about DIZZY isn’t it?”
Camera cuts to long shot of ALEXIS and CID, they start walking toward camera.
CID – (mumbles) “yes”
Camera cuts to medium shot of ALEXIS
ALEXIS – “common… can trust me”
Camera cuts to medium shot of CID
CID – “its just…I’m worried about DIZZY”
Camera cuts back to long shot of CID and ALEXIS
ALEXIS – “worried huh..”
CID – “its just I don’t like seeing her like this”
ALEXIS – “well deal with it, we’re all trying to”
CID – “you don’t think she’ll…yno”
ALEXIS – “nah…..don’t worry bout it, she’ll be fine”
CID – “ok”
ALEXIS – “you like her don’t you”
Both stop. Camera cuts to medium shot of CID. He looks down embarrassed.
ALEXIS - “do you?”
Camera cuts to side shot of ALEXIS and CID
CID looks up
Camera cuts to medium shot of CID
CID – “look….”
Camera cuts to medium shot of ALEXIS
ALEXIS – (interrupts) hey…don’t worry about it”
Camera cuts back to long shot of ALEXIS and CID walking
CID looks up at ALEXIS
CID – “thanks”
ENDER – (in the background) “common you two”
Fade to next scene

Scene 6 – Remembering
Long shot of group walking
JORGE – (in the background) “are we there yet?”
ENDER – “don’t start JORGE I’m not in the mood for that at the moment”
Camera cuts to long shot of ENDER and Jorge walking with the rest of the group following behind
JORGE – “I swear, I’m gonna faint in a minute”
Camera cuts to close up of ENDER’s hand in his pocket
Camera moves up to ENDER’s face, he is concerned
Camera cuts to behind shot of group walking
Camera cuts to medium shot of JORGE and ENDER
JORGE – “what’s in your pocket?”
ENDER – “nothing”
JORGE – “common, let’s see (advances toward ENDER’s pocket)
ENDER turns and backs off
ENDER – “piss off”
JORGE – “common, you’ve been grasping that pocket ever since we got up this morning now common give it here, I want to see”
They squabble
JORGE pushes ENDER to the floor
Camera cuts to low angle shot looking up at JORGE who is advancing
Camera cuts to high angle shot looking down at ENDER
ENDER – “look! It’s the ring alright!”
Camera cuts back to looking up at JORGE
JORGE – “oh…..I’m sorry, I thought it was something else (smirks) ha ha (notices ENDER’s reaction) ha”
Camera cuts to side view of ENDER and JORGE. ENDER gets up.
Camera cuts to medium close up of JORGE
Camera cuts to medium close up of ENDER who takes the ring out of his pocket
Close up of ring in ENDER’s hand
Fade to black/fades out into next scene

Scene 7 – Old Work
Camera shows long shot of location.
Camera cuts to low angle side shot and feet walk past camera.
Camera cuts to medium side shot staying at low angle, only showing from the waist down a couple of people walking past camera appearing to be holding bags.
Camera cuts to front view medium shot of people walking toward camera, they stop and camera pans upward showing JORGE and ENDER.
Camera cuts to POV and starts from the left side of the location and slowly pans to the right, almost as if checking the area.
Camera cuts to medium close up of JORGE and ENDER
JORGE – “I have a bad feeling about this”
ENDER – “look, stay cool and stay focused. They’re just gonna come over, have a little chat with us, we’ll give them the bags and just walk away. Then it’ll be over.
JORGE – “you mean it?”
ENDER – “yeh, this is the last one and then we can all go back to our normal lives”
JORGE – “how do you think he’ll take it?”
ENDER – “hopefully…..”
JORGE looks at ENDER
ENDER – “hopefully, he’ll take it well”
JORGE – “lets hope, for both our sakes”
Camera cuts to extreme long shot of JORGE and ENDER at foot level then foot appears
Camera moves up to head, staying at a behind angle
Camera cuts to medium shot of JORGE and ENDER
Camera cuts to medium shot side angle of ENDER and JORGE
Camera pans right, over to Man In Suit (MIS) with a BODYGUARD next to him on his right. Behind them are six accomplices whom are wearing ordinary clothes.
Camera cuts to long angle side shot of JORGE and ENDER on one side and MIS on other.
Camera cuts to a medium side angle close up of MIS’ face
MIS – “do you have the packages?”
Camera cuts to medium close up of JORGE and ENDER
ENDER – “yes”
JORGE – “no shit Sherlock”
Camera cuts to close up behind shot of ENDER and JORGE and both of them face inward toward camera.
ENDER – (whisper) “will you cut it! We’re trying to complete a job here without you ruining it!”
JORGE – “What? I was just making a point”
MIS – (in the background) is there a problem?
Both JORGE and ENDER turn forward
Camera cuts to front medium shot of ENDER and JORGE
ENDER – “no, no problem”
Camera cuts to medium shot of MIS
MIS – “oh good, I’d hate it if there was any last minute details you wanted to add before we proceed”
Camera cuts to long shot of ENDER and JORGE
JORGE – “nope, no ‘last minute details”
Camera cuts to long shot of MIS
MIS – “good, however before we conclude our business I would like to point out an irritation that has been on my mind” (starts walking to the side and looks up)
Camera cuts to medium close up of ENDER’s face
ENDER – “what irritation?”
Camera cuts to long shot of MIS
MIS – “oh, nothing really (walks back) it’s just that when I was checking the bank’s security camera’s yesterday” (stays stationary as to where they stood before)
Camera cuts to medium shot of JORGE
JORGE – “as you do”
Camera cuts to long shot of MIS
MIS – “yes… I do. I noticed however that there was something that felt, out of place”
Camera cuts to medium shot of ENDER and JORGE, they both look at each other in confusion
JORGE – “Out of place?”
ENDER – “we did the job perfectly”
Camera cuts to long shot of MIS
MIS – “yes….so you say. As I was looking at the security footage I saw something or rather someone”
Camera cuts to medium shot of ENDER and JORGE, JORGE is feeling slightly embarrassed
MIS – (in the background) “they were caught inside the complex, stealing the exact same items I asked you to take in the first place”
Camera cuts back to long shot of MIS
MIS – “did you two know about this?”
Camera cuts to medium shot of ENDER and JORGE
ENDER – “yes, he’s my brother”
JORGE – “he was our assistant in the job”
Camera cuts to medium close up of MIS’ face
MIS – “really?”
Camera cuts to medium close up of ENDER
ENDER – (concerned) “yes, really”
Camera cuts to medium shot of MIS
MIS – “oh, well that’s a shame really. Because if I’d have known I would’ve prevented the ‘accident’
Camera cuts to medium close up of JORGE
JORGE – “what accident?”
Camera pans left to ENDER
ENDER – “what did you do?”
Camera cuts to medium shot of MIS
MIS – “well, I assumed he was a spy so I had to resolve the situation by…eliminating him”
Camera cuts to medium shot of ENDER and JORGE
ENDER – “you bastard!” (ENDER advances forwards, JORGE holds him back)
Camera cuts to medium close up of MIS’ face
MIS – “but before I killed him, he not only told me his last wish, which was to give you this ring”
Camera cuts to close up of MIS’ hand which gets out a ring and throws it on the ground
Camera cuts to medium shot of ENDER and JORGE whom are angry
Camera cuts to long shot of MIS from the front
MIS - “I found out that apparently you were going to quit my organisation after this job”
Accomplices advance forward
Camera cuts to long shot of ENDER and JORGE
Camera cuts to medium close up of MIS’s face
MIS – “and that gentlemen will not do”
Camera cuts to extreme close up on ENDER’s eyes
Camera cuts to extreme close up on JORGE’s eyes
Camera cuts to long shot of ENDER and JORGE. Accomplices have surrounded them and JORGE and ENDER both drop their bags.
JORGE – “firstly we’re both not gentlemen, you genderist”
Camera cuts to  medium close up of ENDER looking confused
JORGE – “secondly if you want to make a threat at least make it look like a real threat, rather than a daft version of the Godfather”
Camera cuts again to POV of ENDER looking at accomplices closing in
JORGE – “and thirdly, you picked the wrong people to mess with buddy”
ENDER – “nice quote”
JORGE – “thanks”
Fight sequence commences ****
After ENDER and JORGE have defeated their last accomplice, camera cuts to long shot of ENDER and JORGE either side standing triumphantly.
Camera cuts to long shot of MIS who looks at his BODYGUARD and hints head forwards. BODYGUARD walks toward camera then stops.
Camera cuts to over the shoulder shot behind the BODYGUARD, camera pans right to other shoulder, showing in the distance ENDER and JORGE.
Camera cuts to long side shot of ENDER and JORGE on one side and BODYGUARD on the other and they are both advancing toward each other.
Camera cuts to long shot of ENDER and JORGE advancing toward camera
Camera cuts to long shot of BODYGUARD advancing toward camera
Camera cuts to medium shot of JORGE and ENDER whom are advancing toward camera. They strike fists toward camera.
Fade to black
Camera cuts to POV of MIS who is awakening, he is on the floor. He turns his head upwards and sees ENDER and JORGE standing over him.
Camera cuts to high angle shot looking down on MIS
MIS – (scared) “this is all just a misunderstanding”
Camera cuts to low angle shot looking up at ENDER and JORGE
ENDER – “no, killing my brother was the misunderstanding”
Camera cuts to close up of MIS’ face, they are slightly worried
Camera cuts back to low angle shot looking up at ENDER and JORGE. JORGE turns to ENDER and nods to which ENDER leans down and punches toward camera
Cut to black
Scene 8 – Weird Awakening

Camera cuts to extreme close up of ENDER’s eyes, in the background a faint blurred sound which sounds like someone’s calling ENDER.
Camera zooms back until medium close up of ENDER. The blurred noise now sounds clear and it is JORGE calling at ENDER.
ENDER – “(shakes head) wuh, what’s going on?”
Camera cuts to long shot of ENDER and JORGE both kneeling on the ground
JORGE – “well, we was arguing and you randomly got out your ring from your pocket and then for a while you kinda zoned out”
Both JORGE and ENDER get up and ENDER reaches into his pocket and gets out his ring.
Camera cuts to close up of ENDER’s hand.
ENDER – “I didn’t do anything stupid, did i?”
Camera cuts to medium close up of ENDER and JORGE
JORGE – “well to be honest I was waiting for a green lantern speech”
ENDER – “green who?”
JORGE – “you know....the green lantern, the guy with a magical ring”
ENDER – (looks confused)
JORGE – “you know his speech, ‘in brightest day etcetera?”
ENDER – “what?”
JORGE – “don’t worry”
Camera cuts to close up of ENDER’s hand
JORGE – (heard in the background) “you still miss him”
Camera cuts to medium close up of JORGE and ENDER
ENDER – “always”
Camera cuts to close up of ENDER’s open hand, he closes it.
Camera cuts to long shot of ENDER and JORGE, JORGE walks off to see group members.
Camera cuts to long shot of JORGE walking toward group whom are all stood straight looking up in the sky
JORGE goes infront of them and waves her hands infront of their faces in order to get their attention
JORGE – “hello, guys? What are you looking at?”
She turns and also looks up and portrays same stance and facial expression as group
Camera cuts to medium close up of JORGE
ENDER – (heard in the background) “what?
JORGE – “you better check this out”
ENDER – “you’re not gonna show me that green whatever-his-name-is speech are you?”
JORGE – “no, but seriously check this out”
Footsteps are heard in the background, camera cuts to medium shot of JORGE, with ENDER approaching and standing next to her
ENDER – “ok, what is it?”
JORGE points forward and ENDER turns his head, his facial expression shows confusion.
Camera cuts to long shot of group looking up
Camera cuts to close up of DIZZY, the camera then pans left showing DIZZY, CID and finally stopping at ALEXIS.
Camera zooms in on ALEXIS’ eye, when zoomed in a flash of light is shone.
Camera cuts to black with text displaying “to be continued…..”

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